Friday 17 June 2016

Our Project Tasks


§As a team we should think what 10 items
 we wish to send in a ‘culture box’
 to  the other team
 to represent the culture of the country ;

§ Think about 2 or 3 items
 we can send to our partner team
to represent our national community;

§In pairs, come up with 5 things
 we can send to the other team
to represent the culture;

§Share with the group
 and decide on the final 10
 we can send as a group;

§The group teams guess
 what the meaning of each object is
 and communicate this
      in a live forum or other means;

§The partner class team
 makes a PowerPoint presentation
 about the culture of
 the other country;

§ With this project, WE have a chance to
 look for, talk about, share, write, compare
 and present information on our culture
      and that of our partner’s. 

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